This is a small sapphire, but as you can see in the video, this sapphire is bright, clean and well cut. Australia is known for producing blue sapphires, but it also produces other colors, including bicolors. This particular sapphire is a rich yellow. We acquired this stone as part of a parcel of small oval sapphires from a family-owned gem mine in Australia, and it can be set in either a ring or pendant.
Small Approx. 6×4.2 mm Yellow Australian Sapphire Oval Shape 0.55 Carat SAN00057
$245.00 Plus Applicable Tax
Small Approx. 6×4.2 mm Yellow Australian Sapphire Oval Shape 0.55 Carat SAN00057
$245.00 Plus Applicable Tax
This is a small sapphire, but as you can see in the video, this sapphire is bright, clean and well cut. Australia is known for producing blue sapphires, but it also produces other colors, including bicolors. This particular sapphire is a rich yellow. We acquired this stone as part of a parcel of small oval sapphires from a family-owned gem mine in Australia, and it can be set in either a ring or pendant.
GEMSTONE: Sapphire
ORIGIN: Australia
WEIGHT: 0.55 Carat
COLOR: Yellow
CUT: Oval
SIZE Approx. 6.05 x 4.19 x 2.70mm
QUALITY: Eye Clean
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Australia Sapphire
Small Approx. 5.3×3.5mm Deep Blue Australian Sapphire Oval 0.37 Carat SAN00073
$110.00 Plus Applicable Tax
Australia Sapphire
Small Approx. 6.2×4.5mm Blue Australian Sapphire Oval 0.52 Carat SAN00065
$155.00 Plus Applicable Tax
Australia Sapphire
Small Approx. 5.2×3.4mm Blue Australian Sapphire Oval 0.33 Carat SAN00077
$80.00 Plus Applicable Tax
Out of stock
Australia Sapphire
Australia Sapphire Bicolor Yellow Green Emerald Cut 2.12 Carats SAN00055 – RESERVED
$725.00 Plus Applicable Tax
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